AFT UNIT Chandigarh Adhivakta Parishad Holds Monthly Study Circle on Disability Pension in Indian Armed Forces
The AFT UNIT Chandigarh Adhivakta Parishad organized its monthly study circle on the 29th of August, 2023. The event took place at the AFT bar room and focused on the crucial issue of disability pension in the Indian armed forces.
The esteemed speaker for the event was Shri Rajesh Sehgal, an advocate practicing at Punjab and Haryana High Court, as well as the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT). The event saw participation from a group of dedicated advocates, including President Parmod Kumar Sharma, General Secretary Kamal Kumar Yogi, Secretary Bhavana Datta, Treasurer Sandeep Gupta, and executive members Vikas Sharma, Ajay Sheoran, and Sonia Sharma.